Optimal Builds Re-usable and Sustainable Code for Cost Savings at CMS and ED
Date: June 30, 2010
Location: College Park, MD
In recent years, Optimal Solutions Group (Optimal) has taken on critical projects at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the U.S. Department of Education (ED). Leveraging its innovative approaches, Optimal has a policy perspective that understands its clients’ goals and objectives while applying information technology solutions.
As a “translator,” Optimal is building sustainable, cost-effective, open source, and non-proprietary systems to reduce unnecessary labor costs and implement consistent monitoring and data collection efforts. These systems save clients time, money, and resources. Recently, Optimal built a secure online application used to collect and maintain data in support of the National Center on Service Obligations. This tool allows the standardization of data upon entry and the ability for Optimal to analyze and report up-to-date information to the client on a daily basis. In addition, Optimal has designed and built applications to facilitate compliance monitoring tasks and implement systematic reviews for CMS. These applications allow clients to monitor and review their programs.