Optimal assessed the impact of SBA’s Emerging Leaders Training and Mentoring Initiative
Date: September 1, 2020

This study helped SBA in improving the program enactment of Emerging Leaders (e200) Training and Mentoring Initiative by identifying strategies to improve program participation and stakeholder engagement. It also identified the factors affecting the business revenue and business survival rates of the businesses poised for growth in historically challenged communities.
Optimal assisted in developing the overall evaluation frameworks for SBA’s Emerging Leaders Initiative and suggested new or clarified existing measures and metrics, which will assist the Office of Performance Management and Chief Financial Officer in meeting the goals of SBA. These goals include job growth, business growth, etc. Optimal has previously evaluated the Emerging Leaders Initiative from 2012–19, and those findings were used to assess the efficacy of the Emerging Leaders program sites.
Optimal Solutions Group, LLC
Founded in 2000, Optimal Solutions Group, LLC, is a nonpartisan public policy research and data analytics firm located at the University of Maryland’s Discovery District in College Park. Optimal employees have varied backgrounds in such fields as public policy, computer science, data science, economics, education, health, housing, sociology, statistics and information management.